Employment Law

Employment Law is there for the protection of employees. It gives employees rights and conversely, it gives Schools (generally the Employer) responsibilities. SHREC has decades of experience in Employment Law and can assist Schools in avoiding potentially costly litigation. Andy Wilson has headed up Industrial Relations in Oldham and Leeds Councils


Teacher Standards, Appraisal and Capability

SHREC is experienced in advising School Leadership Teams and providing training (INSET) on Teacher Standards, Appraisal and Capability. We are experienced in drafting School Pay Policies to reflect the constitutional status of the School.




Performance Management


Managing attendance is the most basic form of performance management. SHREC has an excellent track record in reducing absenteeism. For effective performance management , it is crucial that the right links exist between Appraisal and Pay Progression.

Policies and Procedures


Carefully considered and well written policies and procedures are essential for the timely resolution of staffing issues. Whether you are a Community School, Voluntary Aided or an Academy or Trust School, SHREC can devise the most appropriate solution for your School.

Managing Absence and Attendance


In a number of Schools, SHREC manages all correspondence with employees, sickness review meetings (after pre-determined sickness triggers have been reached), Trade Union liaison and the issuing of warning letters on behalf of the School.

Misconduct and Discipline


SHREC will advise on misconduct issues and if requested, will conduct investigatory interviews and present findings to Disciplinary Panels/Appeals Panels/Governor Meetings as appropriate. If the School is maintained, SHREC will liaise with the Local Authority in its role as the ‘Compensatory Authority’.




SHREC is qualified and experienced to undertake School investigations, whether they are of a disciplinary or grievance nature. We will present to either Senior School Leaders or School Governing Bodies, whichever is most appropriate.

Mediation and Grievances


On occasion, internal disputes inevitably occur in Schools between staff members. If allowed to fester, these often embroil others and affect morale and performance. SHREC can support Schools in dealing with such issues, in a timely and objective manner. Formal grievances from staff can be dealt with efficiently and effectively by SHREC.

Trade Union Negotiations and Solicitors


SHREC can deal with all the Trades Union negotiations surrounding HR issues and liaise with Solicitors and Trades Unions regarding settlement agreements.

Occupational Health Services


SHREC provides a range of Occupational Health Services either directly or in conjunction with our preferred partners:

  • Pre –employment medical checks
  • Occupational Health referrals and ill health retirement
  • Stress risk assessments
  • Liaison with pension providers
  • Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP)


Managing Change and Redundancy


SHREC has managed hundreds of redundancies over the years, including collective and individual consultations, ensuring statutory compliance.

Senior Leadership Pay and Staffing Structures

SHREC provides advice on leadership pay structures and can review these and present to Governors as appropriate.

Training for School Leaders and Governors

SHREC personnel have been running training courses and HR conferences for School Leadership Teams and Governors for many years. INSET training courses have also been designed and delivered.


Interface with the Local Authority


SHREC will liaise with the Local Authority regarding the Education Department’s statutory responsibilities.

Outplacement Support


SHREC offers specialist outplacement support for those whose roles have been made redundant. Our team can offer excellent practical and emotional support to help individuals move into a new role as quickly as possible.

Health and Safety


SHREC has expert associates in Health and Safety. All work is delivered in line with the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) Code of Conduct’s requirements for integrity, competence, respect and service. All content is provided in line with the Health and Safety Executive’s HSG65 standard.